In our ongoing efforts to promote socially connected and locally identifiable dentistry, we look north to Regina, Saskatchewan. That’s right. Regina. Saskatchewan.

It’s better than Saskatoon. Or is it?

We might get in trouble for that; if we were talking hockey or any other provincially based hot button issue for sure. But we’re not, we’re talking dentistry. And in the interest of having a little fun at the expense of our upstairs natural resourcefully gifted neighbor, we bring you this bit of technology meets dentistry – single visit dental crowns.

Straight off the presses of The Regina Leader-Post, comes this story on single visit dental crowns and CAD/CAM dentistry.

Basically the term single visit dental crown means we (as dental patients) can now have our dental crown ready to go into our mouths in one office visit. Normally the process for dental crowns takes at least two office visits, on top of what previously required the usual two weeks for the dental lab to fabricate the actual crown. This can all now be done chairside in the dental office with CAD/CAM technology.


Guess what?

They actually do this stuff in the States too. For more information on what crowns are made of, and reasons why we may need a dental crown, click here.

That’s a pretty significant amount of time saved; and with technological advances of today becoming commonplace tomorrow, could we assume the financial savings are sure to follow?

Assume that one eh?

It’s our guess that sometimes a single visit crown makes sense if the person and all other variables equals a good candidate. And sometimes the traditional method may fit best. Be sure to ask your dentist about the pros and cons of single visit dental crowns, and how CAD/CAM dentistry can benefit your situation. Your dentist is the most qualified person to answer that question. Maybe even use their Facebook page to ask your most burning dental crown question?

Sounds crazy…until you need a crown.

P.S. – we sincerely hope no Canadians were harmed while reading this.

P.P.S. – Raise your hand if you think that video was for dentists only!

That little voice is saying…”nobody is reading this anyway.”