When we really take some time to think about where Botox® is readily available now – hair salons, day spas, and of course the dermatologist – is it really that far of a stretch to have Botox (or Juvederm®) administered by your dentist during your next office visit?

We don’t think so. After all, a doctor that understands facial musculature zapping away the wrinkles seems more favorable than arming Madge with a needle and sticking your chin out at the local hair salon.

But what do we know; we’re just looking to give the dentists their day in the sun… There are already dentists out there offering these cosmetic procedures to patients during their normal dental visit. When you stop to think about it, it seems like a natural progression for the dentist to offer Botox or Juvederm – especially with the spa-like environment of some dental offices these days. Aromatherapy, sounds of the Amazon, massage chairs complete with cozy blankets and comfy pillows; the dental office and Botox, it all seems to go together.

Why not get your wrinkles taken care of at the same time you’re tending the chompers with some cosmetic dentistry?

Of course there is a segment of the population that would never consider it, and maybe some people fear where do we go next with all this. But one thing is certain, if the dental patients out there are demanding a convenient two birds with one stone approach when it comes to cosmetic dentistry and facial aesthetics, dentists will listen.

If your dentist offered these services, and if you are among the growing population of people would you partake?

We heard an interesting statistic recently; everyday 10,000 people turn age 65 – this will continue for the next 20 years*. Sounds like a lot of Botox injections, even if 80% of those people never even think about stepping out of the wrinkle room.

*Source – http://www.silverbook.org/fact/153