Is Pet Dental Health Month for the Dogs?

February is Pet Dental Health Month, so no technically it’s not just for the pooches.

Pet Dental Health Month is sponsored by the American Veterinary Medial Association, and helps build awareness by delivering the message that dental health is an important part of maintaining overall health for not only our beloved Boxers or posh Persians, but all of our pets.

Is This Poodle Ready for the Toothbrush?

Even though the annual celebration that is Pet Dental Health Month is coming in February, after watching the video we’re not too sure if this canine in question is ready and amped for the tooth brushing that awaits or just a little ticked off about the whirring sound emanating from that fang-cleaning foreign device.

According to the original article you can find here,

Virgil the poodle does a huge grin every time his owner turns on an electric toothbrush.

Watch as he bares all his teeth at the prospect of having them brushed.

Pets Need Proper Dental Care Too – In Dental Health Month & All Year Long!

Have you ever even examined or cleaned your pet’s teeth?
Do you find your pet’s breath unbearable?

Don’t let neglect kick you in the rear with higher costs when your dog or cat develops gum disease, oral infections, or worse.

Bad breath could be a sign of dental disease to come, and it won’t get less expensive to treat when potentially minor problems develop into full-blown disease.

Preventive dental care for ourselves and our pets can save us money in the long run.

Every February Pet Dental Health Month reminds us pet owners that brushing our pet’s teeth is good for both our pet’s health and our budget.

Just like in humans, when the inflammation and infection associated with gum disease starts off in the mouth it can have a systemic effect throughout the entire body.

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association(AVMA), the organs most often affected by oral diseases are the lungs, heart, kidneys and liver, and even the nervous system.


It has been reported that 3 out of every 4 Americans have signs of mild periodontal disease or gingivitis (gum disease).

Dental disease affects our pets too, – whether it’s Pet Dental Health Month or not – a whopping 80% of dogs and 70% of cats show signs of oral disease by the age of three.

Signs of Dental Disease In Our Pets

When we know what to look for we can better address a small problem before it becomes larger.

A few pet dental health indicators to be aware of from the AVMA lists the following on their website:

– Red swollen gums and brownish teeth.

– Bad breath — Most pets have breath that is less than fresh, but if it becomes truly repugnant, similar to the smell of a rotten egg, it’s a sign that periodontal disease has already started.

– Bleeding from the mouth.

– Frequent pawing or rubbing at the face and/or mouth.

– Reluctance to eat hard foods—for example, picking it up and then spitting it out.

Take Care of Your Pet’s Dental Health Every Day

While February is National Pet Dental Health Month and certainly a time to raise awareness, maintaining optimal dental health for our pets really needs to be more of a daily ritual than a once a year thing.

“It’s something you do every morning, part of your daily routine—brush your teeth. While most people take care of their own mouths, they often forget that they also should take care of their pet’s teeth through a regular dental health care regimen,” explains Dr. Clark K. Fobian, president of the AVMA.

If our pets are members of the family, why would we not want to take care of their dental health?

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