Is Red Wine Good For Our Teeth Too?

According to this article by the American Chemical Society, a new study has found that red wine, as well as grape seed extract, could potentially help prevent cavities. Surely any food or drink that can help prevent cavities is good for our teeth right? It seems both...

October is National Dental Hygiene Month

In addition to October being National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, dental practices across the land will be celebrating proper dental hygiene the entire month! In honor of this dental-centric October occasion, we’d like to take this opportunity to showcase some...

What is the Oldest Disease Known to Humans?

Tooth Decay Is the Oldest Disease Known to Man Nope, it’s not the common cold. Nor is it arthritis, malaria, or leprosy. According to Healthplex Dental trivia, tooth decay is not only the oldest disease we know of, but also the most common and widespread. A...