Dental Health Myths We Can Do Without – Part 2

In our first installment exploring some of the most common dental health myths, we examined how tooth pain and dental x-rays are two myths to be busted. Part two of this series identifies a couple more myths we need to dispel, much to the detriment of our dental...

4 Dental Health Myths We Can Do Without

We are all guilty of believing one too many tall tales, but when we let dental health myths start effecting our teeth and gums, it could also negatively impact our overall health. Let’s identify and discuss some of the most common dental health myths circulating...

Can Music Take Away Dental Pain?

Forget Novocain, Lidocain HCl, nitrous oxide, conscious sedation, and general anesthesia…all we need is some good tunes to wash away the pain we sometimes feel while sitting in the dental chaise. Even just the fear of pain keeps too many people away from the dentist....