Madison Ave NYC Dentist Shares the Most Important 2 Minutes of the Day

Two measly minutes…that’s all it takes to brush your teeth.

Do it two times a day, for two minutes at a clip – along with daily flossing – and you’ll be well on your way to not only optimal oral (& overall) health, but saving money on healthcare as well!

Along with potentially saving $1000s on oral & overall healthcare, regular brushing & flossing can prevent nasty bacteria that could actually become so toxic as to enter our bloodstream & lead to all types of overall health maladies.

Rampant mouth bacteria can cause damage to your heart & brain…resulting in a heart attack or stroke. And during pregnancy this unchecked oral bacteria could actually lead to low birth-weight babies.

Dos & Don’ts for Brushing Your Teeth

  1. DO brush for two minutes, twice a day.
  2. DON’T brush your teeth immediately following a meal, it can damage your teeth.
  3. DO wait thirty minutes after a meal to brush your teeth.
  4. DON’T use a toothbrush with stiff or hard bristles, you could do damage to your teeth & gums.
  5. DO choose a toothbrush you are comfortable with using for 2 mins 2x per day – preferably one with soft or extra-soft bristles if you have sensitive teeth or are just recovering from a dental procedure.
  6. DON’T go to bed without brushing your teeth!

Now maybe you can’t scarf down enough hot dogs to make Joey Chestnut jealous, but you can do yourself (and those around you) a favor by making sure you take two minutes, twice a day to brush your teeth.

There are many things you can do in two minutes, make one of them brushing your teeth!

And don’t forget to floss!!

This post originally appeared on this NYC dental health blog and has been republished with permission.