With the clinical aspects of dental technology advancing at a blinding rate, and dental chairs resembling futuristic entertainment modules, we thought we’d check in with all our loyal practice members on what makes their visit to the dental office a pleasurable experience.

That is not a joke, Yes! Going to the dentist can be completely comfortable and pain free.

Sure, cone bean laser imaging, intra-oral cameras, and nanomaterials conjure up thoughts of kids in a candy store to dentists. We watch the eyes glaze over, for most of our patients these things are of zero interest. But often times when we communicate what exactly these technological advancements mean to the patient, it equates to a more comfortable, informative, and pain free dental experience. We’d like to hear from you about what it is we can offer – or already do – to improve your dental visit.

Is it DVDs and headphones?

iPads instead of magazines??

Better tasting lollipops for the kids???

More patient education????

An interactive waiting room?????

Ask and you shall receive…and tell us why you trust us with your family dental care. We want to hear from you, let us know how we can make your office visit more enjoyable. Maybe we can’t make a root canal compare to that shiatsu massage, but at least we can try!