The subject of interpersonal communications has been discussed in every forum from Psychology journals supported by research, to the blogosphere supported by conjecture; what we’ve been told is, 93% of communication is non-verbal.

How that universally accepted but still sort of unproven notion changed with the advent of social media is a subject for another social dental-centric blog post.

Today, we focus on beautiful smiles, and what we do everyday to brighten the world one shiny incisor at a time!

Gestures, eye contact, body language, and yes even a great looking smile can all have an impact on how we communicate, and more importantly what we’re communicating outside of the actual words emanating from our optimally hygiened oral orifices.

Does your smile resemble peanut brittle more so than white chicklets?

Well, get to your dentist’s office and TCOB!

Then enter the “Life Opens Up Project” brought to us by, Crest & Oral B.

Check out this entry, then go here to see more video submissions and enter to win. How do you share your smile with the world?


Participants can submit their 2 minute video explaining how they confidently use their mouth (and smile) to communicate with the world.

Winners could receive up to $25,000 and be featured on the Rachael Ray Show!

The “Life Opens Up Project” aims to gather stories of how a healthy, confident mouth (and smile) can change lives.

Submit your story, upload your video…and enter to win $25,000…all while helping forward the cause of optimal oral health!

Get your dentist involved!

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