What Your Gum Disease Numbers Mean

Swift, silent, and deadly…

No, this isn’t another blow-by-blow breakdown of the Navy Seal invasion on Osama bin Laden’s Pakistan compound.

We’re talking about the cavity creeps and their incessant advancement toward total tooth and gum domination.

Gum disease has already been linked to plenty of other physical ailments, like heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and even premature birth; but there is a simple way to fend off gum disease or periodontitis – FLOSS!

The next time your dentist (or hygienist) gives up the dental intel, take the time to mentally catalog your gum disease numbers…2…3…4…3…3…2… if we hear anything over 2 or 3 we need to remain diligent, if we hear 4s we need to reinforce our oral defenses!

Know Your Gum Disease Numbers!

Here are some signs of gum disease courtesy of Colgate.com:

– Red, swollen and/or tender gums
– Bleeding gums when brushing or flossing
– Receding gums
– Changes in your bite, or the way your teeth fit together
– Persistent bad breath

For some humorous take on the numbers of healthcare in America and the role social media plays in the way Americans take in (and hopefully SHARE) this important information, check out this video from the Mayo Clinic:

And CARE enough to SHARE this info with your social circles!

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